  • 浏览: 149634 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 上海


/*** Start of Modify ***/
function ltrim(str){
    /* Trims leading spaces - returns string
     * Returns trimmed string
    return str.replace(/^\s+/, '');
}//eof - ltrim

function rtrim(str) {
    /* Trims trailing spaces - returns string
     * Returns trimmed string
    return str.replace(/\s+$/, '');
}//eof - rtrim

function alltrim(str) {
    /* Trims leading and trailing spaces
     * Returns trimmed string
    return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
}//eof - alltrim

function padleft(str, ch, num) {
    /* Pads string on left with number characters
     * Args:
     *    str = string to pad
     *    ch = pad character
     *    num = number of total characters in final string
     * returns string
	ch = ch || " "; //otherwise pad.length remains 0.
	//Create pad string num chars
    var pad = "";
    do  {
        pad += ch;
    } while(pad.length < num);

    //Regular express take num chars from right
    var re = new RegExp(".{" + num + "}$")[0];

    return re.exec(pad + str);
}//eof - padleft

function padright(str, ch, num){
    /* Pads string on right with number characters
     * Args:
     *    str = string to pad
     *    ch = pad character
     *    num = number of total characters in final string
     * returns string
	ch = ch || " "; //otherwise pad.length remains 0.

    //Create pad string num chars
    var pad = "";
	do {
        pad += ch;
    } while (pad.length < num);

    //Regular express take num chars from left
    var re = new RegExp("^.{" + num + "}");
    return re.exec(str + pad)[0];
}//eof - padright

function padcenter(str, ch, size, extra2right) {
    /* Centers string in a string by padding on right and left
     * Args:
     *    str = string to center
     *    ch = pad character
     *    size = number of total characters in final string
	 *    extra2right = optional true if extra character should be on right
     * returns string
    var padStr = "";
	var re;
	var len = str.length;
	var rtrnVal;

	if (len <= size) {
		if (extra2right)
			re = new RegExp("^(.*)(.{" + len + "})(\\1)");
			re = new RegExp("(.*)(.{" + len + "})(\\1)$");

		do {
			padStr += ch;
		} while (--size);
		rtrnVal = padStr.replace(re, "$1" + str +"$3");
	} else {
		rtrnVal = extractMiddle(str, size, extra2right);
	return rtrnVal;
}//eof padcenter

function centerInStr(inStr, outStr, extra2right) {
    /* Centers string in a string of same characters
     * Args:
     *    inStr = string to center
     *    outStr = string of same character 
	 *    extra2right = optional true if extra character should be on right
     * returns string
    var padStr = "";
	var re;
	var len = inStr.length;
	var size = outStr.length;
	var rtrnVal;

	if (len <= size) {
		if (extra2right)
			re = new RegExp("^(.*)(.{" + len + "})(\\1)");
			re = new RegExp("(.*)(.{" + len + "})(\\1)$");

		rtrnVal = outStr.replace(re, "$1" + inStr +"$3");
	} else {
		rtrnVal = extractMiddle(inStr, size, extra2right);
	return rtrnVal;
}//eof centerInStr

function centerInStr2(inStr, outStr, extra2right) {
    /* Centers string in a string of mixed characters replacing characters
     * Args:
     *    inStr = string to center within outStr
	 *    outStr = the outer string
	 *    extra2right = optional true if extra character should be on right
     * returns string
	var inSize = inStr.length;
	var outSize = outStr.length;
    var l = Math.floor( (outSize - inSize) /2);
    var re;
	var rtrnVal;

	if (inSize <= outSize) {
		if (extra2right)
			re = new RegExp("(.{"+l+"})(.{" + inSize + "})(.*)");
			re = new RegExp("(.*)(.{" + inSize + "})(.{"+l+"})");

		rtrnVal = outStr.replace(re, "$1" + inStr + "$3");
	} else {
		rtrnVal = extractMiddle(inStr, outSize, extra2right);

	return rtrnVal;
}//eof centerInStr2

function centerInStr3(inStr, outStr, extra2right) {
    /* Centers string in a mixed string without replacing characters
     * Args:
     *    inStr = string to center within outStr
	 *    outStr = the outer string
	 *    extra2right = optional true if extra character should be on right
     * returns string
    var outSize = outStr.length;
	var inSize = inStr.length;
    var l = Math.floor(outSize/2);
	var re;
	var rtrnVal;

	if (inSize <= outSize) {
		if (extra2right)
			re = new RegExp("(.{" + l + "})(.*)");
			re = new RegExp("(.*)(.{" + l + "})");

		rtrnVal = outStr.replace(re, "$1" + inStr + "$2");
	} else {
		rtrnVal = extractMiddle(inStr, outSize, extra2right);
	return rtrnVal;
}//eof centerStr3

function extractMiddle(str, size, extra2right) {
    /* Centers string in a string by padding on right and left
     * Args:
     *    inStr = string to center within outStr
	 *    outStr = the outer string
	 *    extra2right = optional true if extra character should be on right
     * returns string
	var l = Math.floor( (str.length - size)/2);
	var re;

	if (extra2right)
		re = new RegExp("(.{" + l + "})(.{" + size + "})(.*)");
		re = new RegExp("(.*)(.{" + size + "})(.{" + l + "})");

	return str.replace(re, "$2");
}//eof extractMiddle

function back2forward(dataStr){ 
	return dataStr.replace(/\\/g, "/");

function forward2back(dataStr) { 
	return dataStr.replace(/\//g, "\\");

function return2br(dataStr) {
    /* Convert returns in string to html breaks
     * return string
    return dataStr.replace(/(\r\n|[\r\n])/g, "<br />");
}//eof - return2br
function return2br2(dataStr) {
    /* Convert returns in string to html breaks
     * return string
    return dataStr.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, "<br />");
}//eof - return2br2

function cleanString(str) {
    /* Remove specified characters from string
     * Arg: str = string to clean
     * List is left parenthesis, right parenthesis, period, dash, space
     * Change list inside square brackets [list]
     * Return string
    return str.replace(/[\(\)\.\-\s,]/g, "");
}//eof - cleanString

function cleanString2(str) {
	return str.replace(/[^\d]/g, "");

function alpha2numericPhone(phoneStr) {
	var newStr = phoneStr.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, alpha2number);
	return checkReplaceParm(newStr, "alpha2number");

	function alpha2number(char) {
		var rtrnVal = null;

		switch (char.toLowerCase()) {
		case "a": case "b": case "c":
			rtrnVal = "2";
		case "d": case "e": case "f":
			rtrnVal = "3";
		case "g": case "h": case "i":
			rtrnVal = "4";
		case "j": case "k": case "l":
			rtrnVal = "5";
		case "m": case "n": case "o":
			rtrnVal = "6";
		case "p": case "q": case "r": case "s":
			rtrnVal = "7";
		case "t": case "u": case "v":
			rtrnVal = "8";
		case "w": case "x": case "y": case "z":
			rtrnVal = "9";
		return rtrnVal;

function first_first(name) {
	return name.replace(/^([^,]*)[,\s]+(\w+)/, "$2 $1");

function last_first (name) {
	return name.replace(/(.+)\s+([\w']+)$/, "$2, $1"); //'

function switchWords(name) {
    /* Change order of two words removing optional comma separator
     * Arg: name = string of two words
     * Return string no separator
    return name.replace(/(\w+),?\s*(\w+)/, "$2 $1");
}//eof - switchWords

function reversOrder (name) {
    /* Change order of two words inserting comma separator
     * Args: name = string of two words
     * Return string with separator

    return name.replace(/(\w+),?\s+(\w+)/, "$2, $1");
}//eof - reversOrder

function cnvrt2upper(str) {
    /* Convert string to title case capital first letters
     * Return converted string or original string if not supported
    str = alltrim(str);
	var newStr = str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, cnvrt)

    return checkReplaceParm(newStr, "cnvrt");

    function cnvrt() {
        return arguments[0].toUpperCase();
}//eof - cnvrt2upper

function titleCase(str) {
    str = alltrim(str);
	var newStr = str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b\w+\b/g, cnvrt);
    return checkReplaceParm(newStr, "cnvrt");

    function cnvrt() {
        /*Branch which should be capitalized */
        if (arguments[arguments.length -2] == 0)
            /* First word capitalize if first char is letter*/
            return arguments[0].replace(/^[a-z]/, cnvrt2);
        else if (/^(a|about|after|an|and|at|by|for|from|in|into|nor|of|on|onto|over|the|to|up|with|within)$/.test(arguments[0]) )
            /* List of words to skip */
            return arguments[0];
            /* All other capitalize if first character is letter */
            return arguments[0].replace(/^[a-z]/, cnvrt2);

    function cnvrt2() {
        /* Capitalize letter */
        return arguments[0].toUpperCase();
function titleCase2(str) {
	var re = new RegExp(/^(a|about|after|an|and|at|by|for|from|in|into|nor|of|on|onto|over|the|to|up|with|within)$/);		

	return str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b([a-z])(\w*)\b/g, cnvrt);

    function cnvrt() {
    	if (re.test(arguments[0]) && arguments[arguments.length-2])
        	return arguments[0];
			return arguments[1].toUpperCase() + arguments[2];
function html2entity(str) {
    /* Convert html <,> to &tl; and &gt;
     * Agr: str = string that may have html
     * Return converted string or original string if not supported
	var newStr = cnvrt(str);
    return checkReplaceParm(newStr, "(s)");

    function cnvrt(str){
        //replace with function
        return str.replace(/[<>]/g, function (s){ return (s == "<")? "&lt;" :"&gt;"});
}//eof - html2entity

function checkReplaceParm(str, fx) {
	/* Check browser supports functions in replace
	 * No support returns function itself
	var re = new RegExp("^\sfunction\s+" + fx);
	if (re.test(str)) {
		/* This return can be change to null or
		 * a value of your choice to indicate failure
		alert("This browser doesn't support using a function as an argument to the replace method!");
		return ""
	else {
		return str;
/** regexp-parsing-data.js ***/
function xtractReportType1(data) {
    /* Approach 1 to extracting data from a string and putting it in another string
     * Arg: data = source data
     * Return new string
     * This fx is of no value accept as a demo.
     * Watchout for dashes
    var array = data.match(/\b[\S]+\b/g);
    return array[5] + " " + array[0] + " paint retail price: $" + array[2] + " ea.";
}//eof - xtractReportType1

function xtractReportType2(data){
    /* Approach 2 to extracting data from a string and putting it in another string
     * Arg: data = source data
     * Return new string
     * This fx is of no value accept as a demo, and not recommended option.
    return RegExp.$6 + " " + RegExp.$1 + " paint retails for $" + RegExp.$3 + " ea.";
}//eof - xtractReportType2

function xtractNums(str){
    /* Create array of numbers in string
     * Arg: str = source string containing numbers
     *        can be mixed with words.
     * Return array of numbers in str
     * Unlike the previous two, you can use this
    return str.match(/\d+/g);
}//eof - xtractNums

function xtractFormattedNums(data) {
    /* Create array of numbers in string (including formatted with commas and decimal)
     * Arg: data = source string containing numbers
     *        can be mixed with words.
     * Return array of numbers in str
    return data.match(/\d+(,\d{3})*(\.\d{1,2})?/g);
}//eof - xtractFormattedNums

function parseUrl(url) {
    /* Parse URL into protocol, host, path, file and hash (and url)
     *    must be URL only
     * Args: url
     * Return object or null if no match

    url = url.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); //alltrim

    if (url.match(/^((http|ftp):\/)?\/?([^:\/\s]+)((\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+\.[^#?\s]+)(#[\w\-]+)?$/)) {
        //RegExp['$&'] is null in some browsers s/b original url
        return  {url: RegExp['$&'], protocol: RegExp.$2,host:RegExp.$3,path:RegExp.$4,file:RegExp.$6,hash:RegExp.$7};
    else {
        return null;
}//eof - parseUrl

function parseEmeddedUrl(url) {
    /* Parse URL into protocol, host, path, file and hash (and url)
     *        can be embedded in string
     * Args: url
     * Return object or null if no match
    var e = /((http|ftp):\/)?\/?([^:\/\s]+)((\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+\.[^#?\s]+)(#[\w\-]+)?/
    if (url.match(e)) {
        //RegExp['$&'] is null in some browsers s/b original url
        return  {url: RegExp['$&'], protocol: RegExp.$2,host:RegExp.$3, path:RegExp.$4,file:RegExp.$6,hash:RegExp.$7};
    else {
        return null;
}//eof - parseEmeddedUrl

function xtractFile(data){
    /* Separate path and filename.ext
     * Arg: string with path and filename
     * Return: object
    if (data.match(/(.*)\/([^\/\\]+\.\w+)$/)) {
        return {path: RegExp.$1, file: RegExp.$2};
    else {
        return {path: "", file: ""};
}//eof - xtractFile

function xtractFile_sans(data){
    /* Separate path and filename leaving extention off
     * Assumes DOS style with only one dot.
     * Arg: string with path and filename
     * Return: object
    if (data.match(/(.*)\/([^\/\\]+)\.\w+$/)) {
        return {path: RegExp.$1, file: RegExp.$2};
    else {
        return {path: "", file: ""};
}//eof - xtractFile_sans

function xtractFile-ext1(data){
    /* Parses filename and extension
     * Returns Object
    data = data.replace(/^\s|\s$/g, "");

    if (/\.\w+$/.test(data)) {
        var m = data.match(/([^\/\\]+)\.(\w+)$/);
        if (m)
            return {filename: m[1], ext: m[2]};
            return {filename: "no file name", ext:null};
    } else {
        var m = data.match(/([^\/\\]+)$/);
        if (m)
            return {filename: m[1], ext: null};
            return {filename: "no file name", ext:null};
}//eof - xtractFile-ext1

function xtractFile-ext2(data){
    /* Parses filename and extension
     * Returns Object
    data = data.replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""); //trims string

    if (/\.\w+$/.test(data)) }
        if (data.match(/([^\/\\]+)\.(\w+)$/) )
            return {filename: RegExp.$1, ext: RegExp.$2};
            return {filename: "no file name", ext:null};
    else {
        if (data.match(/([^\/\\]+)$/) )
            return {filename: RegExp.$1, ext: null};
            return {filename: "no file name", ext:null};
}//eof - xtractFile-ext2

function xtractFile-ext4type(data){
    /* Parses filename and extension
     * for specified extenstions
     * Returns Object
    data = data.replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ""); //trims string

    if (data.match(/([^\/\\]+)\.(asp|html|htm|shtml|php)$/i) )
        return {filename: RegExp.$1, ext: RegExp.$2};
        return {filename: "invalid file type", ext: null};
}//eof - xtractFile-ext4type

//from http://lawrence.ecorp.net/inet/samples/regexp-format.php




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    JavaScript的RegExp对象和String对象定义了使用正则表达式来执行强大的模式匹配和文本检索与替换函数的方法. 在JavaScript中,正则表达式是由一个RegExp对象表示的.当然,可以使用一个RegExp()构造函数来创建RegExp...


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